Seesalt | Staff Information

"A great time and a meaningful time at the same time."

For years this quote about our ministry has been used to describe the experience of coming to a Concoxions conference, program, or production. If it’s true that participating in such ministry is a great time and a meaningful time, then it’s even moreso true for being used by God to help lead such times.

The links below contain information about Seesalt staff requirements and other details about the summer. If you meet these qualifications and feel led to apply, please complete and return the staff application as soon as possible.

We will contact you about the next step. Based on a variety of factors, that step might be a live interview and audition. In situations where distance makes a live audition difficult or impractical, we might conduct a FaceTime or Skype interview/audition.  The audition part of the interview will include a demonstration of your ability in singing and drama, and instrumentally if you play a musical instrument.


Applications for 2019 staff are now being accepted